I’m familiar with Hank Green, but I don’t actually follow him or have a bluesky account. Can you provide a link to an example or an explanation of what you mean?
I’m familiar with Hank Green, but I don’t actually follow him or have a bluesky account. Can you provide a link to an example or an explanation of what you mean?
Ugh. Sorry to hear that. I’m lucky enough to live near several big cities so I have a lot of options.
For what it’s worth, I’ve ordered fabric from spoonflower and it’s been great so far. I also get a lot of scrap/unique fabrics from small Etsy sellers, and 99 times out of 100 it’s perfect. Every once in a while the fabric has clearly been in a smokers house for a long time or terribly taken care of, but generally people do a great job of picking fabrics that go together and they package them nicely. Full disclosure my spoonflower purchases are all through their Etsy store because I don’t wanna make a whole new account for their site, but I imagine it’s the same experience regardless.
In my comment I made clear that I don’t think he’s doing this for our benefit and that I just brought it up because it’s possible at some point in the future or past, tariffs can be used responsibly. I did not “carry water” for him, or anyone. If anything, I “carried water” for the concept of tariffs. And that I will admit to because that was my goal. People are getting it in their heads that tariffs=bad and that’s not the case. There’s a time and place for tariffs, and I made clear in my comment that I don’t think it’s here and now. Apparently you view defending a tool the government has employed since its inception as equivalent to supporting Trump.
Honestly, my local Joann’s staff remembered me and always asked about my last project and how the recipient liked it. “Did your dad like his new tie?” “Did your uncle like the model boat?” legit some of the nicest people.
There’s a legit fabric store near me, like where designers get fabric, and it’s way more expensive, but the quality is better and the variety is unmatched, but I really don’t need all that. There’s also a sewing/quilting specialty store near me that’s independently owned and operated. Far less variety of fabrics, but more variety of patterns. Depending on what you went to Joann’s for, it’s possible there’s an alternative near you, though honestly I still preferred Joann’s to the two above alternatives. Just letting you know that sometimes there are other local options where the staff is equally helpful.
I am not defending his actions, just legitimately providing a reason that might be done in some cases. I think it’s important people think through the consequences of actions regardless of the admin and that seemed like a pretty clear outcome in some cases that was being overlooked.
For what it’s worth, companies can hold grudges, but money is money, and if the stick hurts enough they will generally capitulate because money is generally more important then the ego of whoever is in charge that feels temporarily slighted. Look at the way CEOs/businesses (even from perceived “left leaning” companies) capitulated and donated to his campaign or changed policies overnight. Yes, there are Elon musks of the world, but most CEOs are just looking to increase profits and move on. Few take business personally. There’s a whole idiom about that.
I don’t think it’s a war thing at all. America was THE world power, and there were a lot of people working against American ideals because it was the largest economy/country that could fight back, but if you look around, even countries that have seen war are struggling with the rise of the right. Brexit, the AfD, and Poland/turkey in general, not to mention Russia have all shown that what’s happening in America isn’t America specific. There’s a collection of bad actors everywhere and it’s happening regardless of if a place had seen war or not. Governments everywhere are being corrupted by the wealthy and/or being dismantled in favor of religious authoritarianism/nationalism.
If anything, you’re seeing Trump pull back from war, and soft and hard power that would prevent war, and it’s in an effort to lessen Americas impact on the world stage.
Would love to see a dem administration (if we get one again) use this as an excuse to go WFH and spread federal jobs out across America. In some ways it made sense to have most of government centralized in one place, but that’s no longer necessary. Would love to see these jobs offered remote, especially since a lot of them are well paying with pensions. Plus, DC has a huge congestion problem, and all the commuters are bad for climate change. I know a lot of DC economy depends on commuters, but I think it’d be better long term.
Not a fan of Trump at all, but one could argue that chips was a carrot and tariffs are a stick and you might not need the carrot if the stick is gonna work, so putting the carrot to use elsewhere makes sense. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think anything he does is to benefit Americans or our infrastructure/economy, but there is a world where that makes sense.
You see how their username ends in Lemmy.ml? That entire instance is full of trolls and pro Russia/anti US bots. Blocking and ignoring is the universal suggestion, otherwise you’re gonna have a bad time. There are quite a few on non-Lemmy.ml instances, but blocking that is a good start. Feel however you want about the US, but they legit hate individual Americans and support the Russian state. The Russian state is corrupted (just like the US now, thanks Russia!), but individuals from either country do not represent the state as a whole, and the amount of Putin simping they do is egregious.
I hate when people talk about getting out of jury duty. If you think the system is bad, jury duty is on of the few ways you can actually have a direct personal impact on it.
I don’t have any of those, but I can’t seem to find reporting on this statement yet. Can anyone verify if it’s a real tweet?
Would you care to share what helped you? It’s hard to find instances of deradicalization, so it’d be great to hear your experience.
I didn’t mention it in my original comment, but I did actually do a search, and the only thing I found was him talking about how bluesky is better because it doesn’t do suppression of external links. Bluesky itself does not load with my current settings so I can’t scroll through his posts, but his recent YouTube videos seem pretty normal/benign from just the titles. Seems weird to unnecessarily attack Hank Green, but I am gonna guess that’s what they’re doing because I cannot find example or article him being problematic.