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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Even in today’s political climate I’m pretty sure the State of California will still be able to make your payments over 30 years. If you didn’t spend it on anything else, you could make a start on that grocery chain. You’d probably learn a lot in the first few years, some expensive lessons. But having started small, you could put the next payments towards putting those lessons to work as you expand. Meanwhile, you’re not investing any attention or risk into those funds. But you do hypothetical you!

    Editing to add, the guy who actually won might be able to do some real good in his own neighborhood, which had that big wildfire.

  • Anything a store gives you “free” (as Anon says Papa John’s garlic) has already been priced in.

    I worked in a gift shop, we did “free” gift wrapping and it was beautiful. But the cost of boxes, rolls of ribbon and reams of tissue paper were factored into our markup throughout the store. We had really nice things, so a lot of our customers would come in for a gift and spend as much or more on items for themselves, which just needed to be bagged. Maybe bubble wrap for the trip home, but that was reused from things shipped to us. So we made extra profit, while also giving them and their friends ideas for their next gift. Wealthy people, so they didn’t care.

  • They go on top of the sweet potatoes/yams.

    1.Roast or boil your yams/sweet potatoes until soft. If you buy canned, they’ll already be very sweet, so taste before you add anything.

    2.Discard the skins, and chop/mash the insides with butter, salt, pepper, brown sugar, cinnamon, and orange juice or milk (not both!) until you like the texture and taste.

    3.Spread the mixture in a flattish oven-safe serving dish and arrange marshmallows on top. It can now go into the fridge until the turkey is out of the oven.

    4.Before serving, put into a hot oven until they’re hot and the marshmallows are puffed and toasted.

    You CAN obviously make them without the marshmallows, but then it’s just a vegetable, not a festive treat of childhood memories.