Show me some of your art and I will be happy to give my opinion
Show me some of your art and I will be happy to give my opinion
That seems like sacrilege. I don’t think I would ever go somewhere that charges extra for mustard on a burger
I have never once paid a fee for using a card to buy pizza. Is that a thing where you live?
Since I posted this I guess I’ll throw in my two cents…
As a customer I kind of agree with Anon in that it’s just a sauce cup, and hardly worth ringing up a whole separate transaction for
As someone who has worked for a giant souless corporation I kind of agree with the employee in that someone somewhere is keeping track of those sauce cups. They put in an allowance for what they call “shrinkage”, but if enough sauce cups go unaccounted for someone from corporate will happily fire everyone in the store and replace them within 24 hours.
I think real point I’m want to get across here though is that Domino’s sucks. Their pizza is gross and it gives you heartburn almost immediately, and their garlic sauce tastes like shit.
Support your local pizzaria 👍
I guess they’ll do literally anything to avoid hiring more staff huh? 👎
I’ve always wondered who those shots are for lol who’s watching straight porn to see an extreme close up of a dudes butthole? There must be a market for it since that shot is in like 35% of all porn videos
He clearly only wants to watch all natural lesbian porn where they perform in complete silence for the duration of the video
I can see how that would be tricky to find lol
My guess is that he didn’t set a screensaver and only leaves the X Video site for like 10 minutes a day to go check on 4Chan
I kinda think this looks like Norm MacDonalds least favorite nephew lol
Another proud graduate from the Handsome Boy Modeling School!
Screw that, if I’m in a bathroom I’m going to poop. If somehow someone takes issue with or is offended by that, then that’s their problem NOT mine
This sounds like just another way for Reddit’s corporate overlords to control the flow of information disguised as a helpful tool.
I’m so glad I left that disgusting cesspool
I tried to watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory once 🤢
There can be some crossover though…
He reminds me of Tunn-La from The Tick lol
I assume Anons not hungry due to the extreme constipation