I don’t want my mom to be able to turn her computer into a paperweight…
I don’t want my mom to be able to turn her computer into a paperweight…
Tho those complicated outcome trends can have issues with things like minorities having worse health outcomes due to a history of oppression and poorer access to Healthcare. Will definitely need humans overseeing it cause health data can be misleading looking purely at numbers
That article is a wild. Feels like we are in a story with terrible foreshadowing and retcons
I was at least hoping World War III would be kicked off by something interesting. Not two men getting cranky at another man for perceived lack of sufficient ball gargling
I don’t have any great answers, only jumping off points.
But maybe something religious that looks like a utility? Crosses wouldn’t work cause they are way too ubiquitous. Gotta be something weirdly distributed.
Or maybe some sort of holiday decoration? Holidays have so much wierd lore that just wouldn’t make sense outside current society. Not sure what exactly it would be tho but feels like fertile ground
I’m a foster parent and yeah, there just isn’t anywhere for these kids to go. In any given state there are hundreds of kids who need a bed. The statistics for kids in the system are absolutely abismal. Something like 50% of kids in the system will end up with an addiction. It’s super rough to be a foster parent.
Statisticly, kids are better off in abusive homes than in the system. Which is something that once I learnt, has been a constant battle to try to square
It’s all so tragic