Carbon based. Not overly precocious.
A place where undesirables can be moved from a low concentration, to a high concentration.
The American business sector, and the idiots who voted Trump on the promise of financial gain, are about to learn a painful lesson.
They are going to learn that there are some things that you simply cannot walk back.
They are going to learn how long it takes Canadians to forget threats to their sovereignty.
They will learn that there is a tangible financial penalty for betrayal of allies.
There is no leeway here. If Americans are ever allowed to vote in a free election again, it is abundantly clear that one third of you will absolutely vote for more of this MAGA Insanity, and one third of you will absolutely, as demonstrated, sit on your asses and not vote against it.
We will never trust the collective You the People again for what you’ve done.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Did their smart business sense fail them when they went all in on Trump?
Law Enforcement should be a profession, just like doctors and nurses.
Formal education. Licensing with a college whose role is to protect the public. Malpractice insurance. Requirements to remain current, and eligible to practice.
Most likely.