Ya but did she kiss Elons ring?
Ya but did she kiss Elons ring?
Most red voters are so under educated that it’s not really their fault.
Yup and the moment public schools go under (likely here soon with the DOE being dismantled) private and charter school prices are going to skyrocket. Wealthy people don’t want poorer people to be educated or even able to speak if they had it their way.
What happened to, “no time for delay.”
I can’t wait for the poorest states (which are all red) to go bankrupt because parents can’t go to work because their schools all closed.
Then reintroduced it as Trump’s and add more money to the top 1%
Lol illegal crossings caught / reported. The majority of illegals come over legally and just overstay their vacation, education, work, business, or deplomat visa. Why bother crossing illegally when you can just request a vacation visa or day visa and just disappear into the country. (Yes those without passports will have to sneak across but it’s way easier than the Trump administration will have you believe.) Yes thousands get caught but millions go back and forth without. Yes most go back without needing the US government to force them.
The post office would take an act of congress.
Not just Chuck but the whole leadership of the Democrat party needs to go.