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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • I did not meant to come across as saying that HDDs don’t suffer bit rot. However, there are specific long term storage HDDs that are built specifically to be powered up sporadically and resist external magnetic influences on the track. In a proper storage environment they will last over 5 years without being powered up and still retain all information. I know it because i use them in this exact scenario for over 2 decades. Conversely there are no such long term storage SSDs.

    SSDs store information through trapped charges which most certainly lose charge through quantuum tunneling. As insulation loses effectiveness, the potential barrier for the charge allows for what is normally a manageable effect, much like in the CPU like you said, to become out of the scope of error correction techniques. This is a physical limitation that cannot be overcome.

  • Only with guerrilla tactics against the US army, like Vietnam or the Taliban. They would still be occupied. No army in the world can stop a US offensive. They invested a lot in order to make it so. Fighting the US on a conventional war style is suicide.

    The real pain to the US would come in the form of trade sanctions and loss of military allies in the EU and elsewhere in the democratic world. It would take a few years, because the EU and the US are pretty interconnected. Nato would probably be dead in the water.

    After that it’s speculation that US enemies would seize the opportunity of their isolation. The lack of trade would severely impact revenues and Americans would be in for the wildest depression of US history, with a likely forecast of IRA style civil war between Democrats and Republicans. If Greenlanders kept at it, they would eventually take the region back.

    The US isn’t a dictatorship, it’s a democracy. Democracies don’t usually fare well on offensive land grab wars for very long. So the US would either let go of Greenland with a new, sane president or become a dictatorship eventually. Lots of ifs in this scenario but taking Greenland would cause a lot of hurt for the US undoubtedly.

  • Wonderful, a separation from the US by the EU within my lifetime. I hate Trump but this is such a blessing.

    No more supporting genocides, no more sensless peer wars, no more helping create high volume refugee crises, no more 20 year long wars on weapons of mass destruction that didn’t exist, no more “heroically” deposing dictators to put extremist terrorist groups in their place and giving them tons of ready to use military equipment. No more random terrorist attacks from disgruntled extremist groups as revenge for random meddling going on since the 80s for cheaper oil prices. No more association with the country that detains people and tortures them without charges in illegally occupied land. No more threats of invasion by a military ally.

    No more US influence. That’s how I’d prefer it.