Presuming you can’t get a game on GoG (which is European), check if the game is still from Europe.
Bit of a compromise, but this is for the people who can’t give up on Steam.
Presuming you can’t get a game on GoG (which is European), check if the game is still from Europe.
Bit of a compromise, but this is for the people who can’t give up on Steam.
Electric. Blanket.
Get it. Now.
It’s so nice when you feel like shit, and you can just have some local warming, right on your body.
“Gen Z” is American, “Black Americans” is American.
I don’t see the difference. 's both American.
Oh shit, looks like OP is crashing out_!_
Summary: 3k hours into World of Warcraft, Retail + WotLK private server.
I’ve been playing vidya since… 1992? Classic Monochrome-green machine to play CalGames on.
Ever since then, my limit for a game tended to be about 100 hours. I got 500 hours into Clicker Heroes, sure, but that game was made to be run in the background, so that doesn’t really count.
It was not until I found World of Warcraft where I slowly pumped hour after hour into its massive world. I found it somewhere in 2021 - near the end of BFA. The Shadowlands beta was out, is when I started. OK sure, I played a few hours at a classmate’s house back in 2005, but I don’t feel that counts. Anyway, I found that there was a F2P version where I could freely try out most classes, quite a few races, and a ton of quests.
I’ve walked everywhere (I even tracked where I’ve been in a massive image of the worldmap for about 500 hours-ish?), I walked because the mounts weren’t available for F2P yet, did all the quests I could, tried every race (which includes the starter zones), every class available (had an excel where I planned it all out).
I ended up with 1000 hours. 500 for my main (Human Paladin - been wanting to play that since Warcraft 2), and another 500 spread out over my 40 or so alts. Ever since I’ve been coming back, because with each expansion release, a little bit more content becomes available, so I racked up another 500 hours there.
In the meantime, WotLK Classic was going to release, but my income was still shit, so I found Warmane, a non-Blizzard server. You could level 7x as fast, which I did a few times, simply to learn the difference between “Classic” and “Retail”.
Then it hit me. I want the Loremaster title. That meant doing a little over 3000 quests (about 99.99% of all quests in the game). But 7x made me level too fast. Luckily for me, there was a 0.5x XP option. So that’s how I grinded. I did every starter zone, every regular zone, every dungeon (I was typically the “overgeared” guy of the group, since the rest was rushing through). I had fun!
That grind took me 1000 hours total. Plus another 500 for all the alts before that.
I’m pretty sure I played over 3000 hours total.
Oh, and I ended up getting my Loremaster title, as well as the World Explorer Tabbard (because I’ve been everywhere).
My favourite places to run around was 100% the old world. Black Rock Depths just has an atmosphere that’s completely missing from TBC onwards :(
I’ve been thinking of playing TurtleWoW, but not sure if I can survive the Vanilla client - the WotLK one was already pretty rough 😂
I just dug a little deeper. Looks like the site is 95% George Whittaker since April 2023, which is a month after GPT-4 was released.
The site literally turned into AI slop since then. Good job, Slashdot. /s