Don’t they use the consulates unofficially for clandestine stuff?
That would impact US national security.
Don’t they use the consulates unofficially for clandestine stuff?
That would impact US national security.
They were also going to dump extra nitrogen or something into the area to prevent the fire from happening, so that would have had to also fail.
Either way if its the same problem in some way or another hopefully they can fix it before raptor 3 (which should solve a lot of leaks as there’s less tubing). I think raptor 3 is over a year out.
I’d kinda expect a little longer delay as well between the next launch if it was the same issue. If your fix failed, it might be more complicated than you thought.
I thought this was going to be the onion or something.
I didn’t believe it when the source indicated it wasn’t.
I had to watch it…
I couldn’t figure out what this meant and was going to ask, until I scrolled up past the picture I clearly just scrolled by without looking at.
Pretty sure the other fire was on the inside due to an engine leak. This fire/leak was on the outside.
Both around the enginee, but different spots.
How many R are there in Strawberry
Nothing will ever be as cheap as starlink until another launch provider has a reusable first stage rocket. For rural people starlink is competitively priced, but for anyone who doesn’t need it, they think it’s crazy expensive.
Now make that 50% or more for a similar service until they can fully launch on a reusable rocket. It’ll be hard for anyone to get a foothold without taking big losses, or taking the anyone but Musk business.
Discord probably not, but there are many that could.
Even green cards can be revoked. I know someone who got their US citizenship when Trump got into office the first time because he was worried something might happen to his green card.
Isn’t every immigrant who is not yet a US Citizen only temporarily legal?
You know, when you put it that way, I think you might be right.
That temporary status might even be indefinite, but it’s probably technically temporary.
Oh it’s more than just someone, that post has -3 and the other one is -6.
Talking about Tesla against the narritive/hivemind always results in this, especially when it’s truthful things.
Too many startups go for VC money when they shouldn’t. It’s a cancer.
If you’ve managed to bootstrap it, or get some non-vc money, things are growing and doing well, maybe just try to keep growing that way. Your company is fucked the moment you take that VC money.
Okay, so like this is terrible, but come on Reuters, can you not also put the word temporary in front of legal status in the headline like you do the article?
Was he over the legal alcohol limit? Yes, but did he hurt anybody? No! He’s a fine upstanding citizen, and I’m going to give him a $1,000,000 raise he’s such an upstanding guy.
Sure, but a little rust because they weren’t used isn’t a problem, comes off when you use them, but is an instant fail. The brakes are not damaged or broken.
All brakes rust when not used. If you drove around in the rain today, then didn’t drive for a few days, you’ll probably have a little rust on your brakes. You go for a drive and then it’s gone.
If you take your car in for a pre-inspection report, and they see some rust on the brakes, they will tell you to drive it around a bit using the brakes a lot before taking it in to be inspected.
it’s not an actual problem, and not indicative of a poor quality vehicle.
Edit: To be clear - the drivers should be using the brakes more to clear them so it doesn’t build up to excessive amounts which may be a problem at some point, but the test fails them well before it’s an actual problem.
Edit: Also, where the model 3 failed a lot outside of the brakes was the front suspension. There are legitimate problems with the front suspension on the older Model 3s. Those are legitimate fails and are a quality issue (there’s even a service bulletin for at least one of the problems)
German TUV Reliability Report
Those numbers are very misleading, as it includes rust on the brakes.
EVs don’t use their brakes as often due to regen, and vehicles with one pedal driving where you can come to a complete stop without using the brakes, use it even less.
A large portion of these failures are from some rust appearing from lack of using the brakes. Using the brakes more frequently, or intentional aggressive braking would clear the rust, but it’s a fail if it’s there when you take it in.
That’s not to say there aren’t other problems, but it’s not as bad as the dead last 14.7% makes it look, and it’s not wholly about poor quality as the report implies, as that isn’t a quality problem.
Tesla has some of the better one pedal driving and more aggressive regen set ups as well, so the brakes are used less.
I once made a big fuss about a very critical security vulnerability because they didn’t want to deal with it and there were very serious ramifications to the business depending on how it was dealt with. Like the company was exposed to multi million dollar lawsuits over it, maybe more, possibly worse than lawsuits
It was the only time I’ve ever been classified as not a team player, and they used that incident as the reason in the report.
Edit: they did eventually deal with it properly, but not before trying to hide it and lie about it to our customers first.
In Canada we have more already than something ridiculous like the last decade combined.