Just crush up Viagra in it and sell it as sex honey.
Just crush up Viagra in it and sell it as sex honey.
I think both are terrible. Forcible rape (as the example you gave) is the idea that most people think of when they hear rape. There are other kinds.
I think building a life with someone and raising a child for a few years with someone, only to have that person disappear. No explanation. Just gone. That person you thought you know was an act that you spent years living with. That’s an extreme act of betrayal. I’m not sure if I would be able to get over that.
Democratic congresspeople, with media circus in tow, went to the DoE building but were stopped by a single skinny man, with no uniform, who produced no ID, and claimed to be security hired by Musk. A toddler could have pushed past him. Instead, they gave up and left.
This seems like such an easy thing to get by. Get a random to walk up next to the other “guard” and say “yes we both got hired by Musk, but I just got word we can let you in.”
Oh what do you mean that other guy isn’t a real ‘guard’? You both have the same credentials. Matter of fact the second guard could claim the first one got fired and to ignore them.
Would you consider this worse because it was years and wasn’t only physical? What word would you use to also encompass the extra trauma involved with this lie?
I can see why you would want to use a different word. Mainly to explain different scenarios of rape for people to be aware of, but I wouldn’t call it diminishing to other victims.
Just make a template card and sell it to them through a website. Official Sovcit travelers insurance.
Is Epic Meal Time still a thing? I remember them using Jack Dagniels for some syrup and other dishes.