Baal was a storm god who brought rain and life to the land. Yahweh is the war god that brought genocide.
“If you were able to overlook a genocide and cast a vote for Harris, you already know how a conservative was able to overlook Trump’s extremism and vote for him.” – Historian Robin D.G. Kelley
Baal was a storm god who brought rain and life to the land. Yahweh is the war god that brought genocide.
If an automatic is good enough for the 70 Series Land Cruiser, it is good enough for me.
Being born into wealth and power?
I’m not sure why but Kissinger hated everyone. He hated the Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians and was even quoted saying Arabs are savages (or perhaps barbarians). How does someone who escaped a Holocaust carry so much hate against other disadvantaged groups?
I actually like the volume knob shifter. The buttons ones I can live without.
OP please post a link, I can’t believe they are this bad at math, unless they mean people are now “illegally” crossing out of the US
Edit: this is real, oh myyy! https://www.whitehouse.gov/remarks/2025/02/remarks-by-president-trump-before-cabinet-meeting/
No. I just looked it up, it is "Eti Nero”. In the past it had an unfortunate name if you are in an English-speaking country. Though I don’t think the rebrand is any less unfortunate.
There’s a Turkish alternative that actually tastes better. I keep forgetting the brand name though.
Turkiye is a Muslim country as well as a European country, so it is in an odd place to be but also bridges both worlds.
Edit: I know about the Kurds, I am from the Middle East. Turkiye had a history of racist nationalism that Erdogan actually campaigns against. Turkiye and Erdogan are not angels or innocent but are a far lesser evil than many others.
Turkiye makes better quality food at a lower price.
The Sassanians alienated their Lakhmid allies -forcefully annexed them and slaughtered their ruling dynasty-. Everyone knows what happened to the Sassanians not too long afterwards.
Who knows if history will repeat itself but worth waiting and finding out.
Edit: not sure why this is getting downvoted. I gave an example of an empire which at the height of its military might went through a period of political instability which lead to it turning against one of its major allies which eventually brought its downfall. The parallels are obvious, but whether we will get a repeat of the outcome or not, is yet to be seen. The replies are as-if the Sassanians are a little unknown empire at the edge of the world rather than one that was at one point an equal to Rome.
Israel already had concentration and labor camps for Palestinians in 1948
It is just that western media intentionally ignored it
They are children! They are victims here.