I forgot to mention your app, I use it on my phone. Pretty fast app.
I was planning to add an issue - when the numbered list reaches 3 digits, it overflows to the next line. This was the reason I went back to Joplin. But I have high hopes for your app :)
Your app is really good, I use the android version. It has most features one expects. It loads really quickly compared to Joplin (ik Joplin has a lot of other features, plus I have a few plugins installed as well). I also really like the customization option - ability to create custom themes is awesome, I like creating custom themes if the apps provide the option.
And the numbered list issue is present in almost all apps I tried, one dev told me its due to the editor they use. The only reason I stick with Joplin & markor is because they’re the only markdown based apps I found where numbered lists work.
Thanks for making print notes!! And most importantly, don’t burn yourself out, take rest. I’m not a developer, I’ll assist with testing though