Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Man my home area is that way, they can’t get anything higher than a 5/5 internet wise. I go over to my parents and one YouTube video seems to take the whole network down. I feel bad for them, they can’t get anything better. We really need a complete overhaul in this state. Sadly the current trend is physical disks still have a day 1 update that downloads most the game. When I bought my dad a game for events, I give it to him a few days prior to the event so he can download it beforehand. It’s rediculous

    Granted this was back on the PS4 but I’m sure it hasent got better.

  • I haven’t been to a GameStop in quite some time, but I can say it’s generally better off not to waste your time looking for a deal at walmart, at least at the store level. According to the markdown policy, they want you to try to run 10 to 15% per markdown and you can only do two markdowns before you’re supposed to dispose/claim. So for a $70 game, my first markdown would have been 60$, my second markdown would have been around 50$

    Many times I would have tons of clearance games that I wouldn’t be able to sell because of those restrictions, during those times I would mark it down further than that, but many times when you went to mark it down further than that they would actually rather you dispose on the second markdown because for some stupid reason, their claim system has it so you can dispose/claim for full cost, so financially it makes zero sense store side to sell the game for 50% off when you can send the game back for about 80%(or even full cost at times) of what was paid

    It was a really stupid system, but I assume they’re getting some sort of Kickback from game Studios to discourage physical media

    ofc this also assumes they are on top of dealing with markdowns, \0/

  • I wasn’t aware that there was still a really big physical market, I haven’t personally purchased an actual disc in over 6 years, the sales that the stores have never match the steam sales, and I never really bought hard copies on my pc anyway. Consoles have been more hard pushing digital as well, with locking down the disk reader on cheaper iterations.

    If physical game prices go up as a result but digital stay the same I’ll believe it, but if both game prices go up, I’m not going to assume it’s due to the Tariffs, I’m going to directly correlate that to the company’s greed and that’s going to impact my future decisions as a buyer to buy their goods.