This is my mother’s backstory.
This is my mother’s backstory.
Hmmm, interesting! I’ve seen a lot of ads for it but was unsure. Maybe something to watch when/if or comes to home watching?
I want to just listen to whatever this being wishes to talk about.
I’ll have to check it out! Seeded rolls don’t agree with me, but I’ll make them agree with me! I promise to keep it a secret!
Oh, pork roll and applejack is NJ, I am NJ.
As for the debate, I agree its pork roll. It’s like calling all video game consoles a Nintendo when you call pork roll Taylor ham.
I will steal the cheesesteak to eat, if you don’t mind. I’ll only grumble mildly when y’all come to the shore in exchange.
I personally don’t like the stuff, but I’m obligated to endorse it lmfao.
Birch beer is also a thing here. And applejack!
I thought that was a recorder instrument at first, is been so long since I’ve seen one.
One of like three health concerns is done, the other two require stuff that’s scheduled. Assuming the dentist office doesn’t cancel. Again. And again.
The kitten is currently curled up under the blankets with me so I’ve got that going for me despite everything else. She’s a good good baby.
Can’t keep most food down, although probably because I’m filled with shit. Regardless, time to get an ultrasound to make sure. I can keep down liquids so soup and hydration it is.
The kitten is being very cozy so that’s going well. We think she’s scaring mice so also good for her.
The thing growing on my jaw still scares me but that appointment is for the 13th. If the dentist doesn’t cancel.
I’m glad New Zealand is continuing to be sequestered.
I really love seeing the different styles they each have! I wish we could have detailed accounts from them about how it was. I suspect uh…difficult.
I’d vomiting within three teleports. I’ll stick with uhhhh ancient useless languages!