Maybe it’s just the dad in me, but just knowing that his name is Wolf, tells me this is a bad idea.
Maybe it’s just the dad in me, but just knowing that his name is Wolf, tells me this is a bad idea.
I’m not entirely convinced that it ISN’T still 2019, and I just haven’t woken up from the longest, strangest dream I’ve ever had.
I have the opposite problem. I sit down Friday evening, and before I know it, it’s Sunday night.
Surprisingly, it’s not pronounced like it’s spelled.
Somewhere tropical, that won’t mind if we smoke some weed on the beach. Jamaica comes to mind, but I’d research options because I’d like to see the other side of the Atlantic.
I don’t feel like I’m in danger, just that 80% of the people around me are idiots.
I mean, if you just happen to get your hands on it, feel free to keep me in mind.
I’m definitely American, but, I do not feel connected to the redneck MAGA region I live in.
Lucky for you, I’ve been keeping track.
There’s exactly 56 of us.
I applied online. But probably more importantly, my soon to be boss, is as ADHD as I am, so, we just clicked better than the other applicants.
Get a dog. They’ll clean it up.
I had to check your profile to figure out what this is all about, and I’m more confused than when I started.
What is your goal with this post? I think you know that the answer is going to be yes, so what’s your point?
Created by? No. Influenced or inspired by? Absolutely.
Depression cannot create art, but depression (or anger or happiness, or love) will influence your art.
Also, popular and successful doesn’t always mean good. It might just be more relatable, and if the rest of the world is feeling like me, depression is IN right now.
Do you really think this is helping?
Please stop creating click bait posts asking us to go to other sites without context.
I’m just saying the outcomes are better for the person doing the choosing if they engage with the world around them instead of shut it out.
To be clear, I mean removing specific people from your life, not becoming a hermit and only associating with people who are just like you.
I assure you, my outcomes were MUCH better when I removed myself from toxicity.
Your advice sounds like what I would have typed twenty years ago, when I thought I could fix people. Maybe I’ve learned better since then, or maybe I’m just old and jaded now. I do appreciate your optimism, and don’t want to change that in you.
Everybody is different. Some friends can be saved, some can’t. By sharing our own experiences, we give options for OP to consider. There is no “always best” method.
Best of luck to all of you, but also be aware that it’s really easy to catch and spread the plague, especially while trying to cure it.
I won’t argue with what you’re saying, because it’s not wrong, but not everyone is able to nor should become an ambassador for their “group”.
If you’re a timid person who doesn’t like confrontation, you’re probably not going to speak up every time she says something hateful, and you might find yourself laughing along with hurtful jokes when you don’t want to. Especially when it’s an old friend.
Loud, obnoxious, combative people, may seem up to the task, but are more than likely going to piss people off and create a bad association with “the group” for others.
Educating friends to become better allies is great, but, it’s also not everyone’s responsibility. There have been many people in my life, that caused me more pain than joy, and I always just tried to win them over, which only caused me more pain. Within the last few years, I started staying away from those people and it has improved my life in every way.
I can only do one, and then I have to wait a while.
I hope he does. Sounds like she trusts him enough to consider his advice if he comes across as understanding and not as harsh as their parents.