I was working with advocacy groups that opposed it at the time. i wasnt a fan I just think blaming or giving credit to Biden for it makes no sense.
I was working with advocacy groups that opposed it at the time. i wasnt a fan I just think blaming or giving credit to Biden for it makes no sense.
No, it’s the difference between real life experience and reading about the same event in a book.
I don’t think it is in a good way. Im blocking a LOT of racists here especially racist tankies.
Im blocking people here daily for being racists. It’s really odd how much racism I see here. It’s not as bad as Voat was but I wouldn’t casually suggest most check this place out.
No, I base that on how remarkably ignorant placing the entirety of the 1996 crime bill on Biden is because I was a voting adult who read the news back then. People who weren’t adults back then don’t have the context of that time period that people who were adults then are going to have.
No matter how wounded your ego might be by the suggestion you are never going to have an informed perspective on time periods you weren’t around for compared to those who were.
60/70s first rock music? Rock is a 1940s/50s genre if we are looking for its origins.
Pete Seeger liked to talk about “The Folk Process” which was akin to plagiary.
There are millions of musicians who perform other people’s music. Barbara Streisand, Aretha, and Beyonce aren’t less capable when they are performing another’s song.
Especially if kids are going to see it.
I don’t know that there ever will be a wave of casual users like Reddit and Digg have. This space is filled with substantially more aggressive people than either of those spaces while simultaneously lacking the community of a range of fields that was the original draw for those sites.
No I would presume they have no context of the time period given how ignorant of a take they have on that time period. If they weren’t an adult then it would make sense to not realize how stupid their claim is.
The Omnibus Crime Bill was popular on both sides and was celebrated by the GOP. Framing it as if it was all Biden is a stretch.
The last sentence mentions the hopes to create a new game.
Stevie Wonder “Uptight” (1968)
Chauvin is at FCI Big Spring (Federal Correctional Institute) so he likely has federal charges.
The Sky is blue…
or after Trump abandoned the last treaty
I figured. This is why in the USA you are told that if you are attending a rally or event and a random person suggests engaging in criminal activity you get away from that person as they are a cop
All over this place. Most often it’s people who consistently highlight the race they presume the other person to be while attacking them.