I use concepts of games I like. Right now Alan Wake and Pacific Drive are the two of them.
- Main Laptop: Typewriter
- Steam deck: Poet
- NAS: The Lake
- Main Pc, that has become more a render station since I mostly work on a laptop and game on a steam deck: Lighthouse
- Hue Hub: Light switch
- Phone: Flashlight
But when I started to be more interested in networking and installed openwrt on my router, I was more infatuated by Pacific Drive:
- Router: Outer Containment Wall
- WiFi 5/2.4 Dual: ARDAnet
- WiFi for iot: RemnantNet
- GuestNet: OEZone
- VPN: BreacherNet
- Switch: SparkTower
You know what, next device I can (host)name will be the Muse. :D