This, and the lack of inclusive and exclusive 1st person plural, are the biggest oversights in English.
This, and the lack of inclusive and exclusive 1st person plural, are the biggest oversights in English.
Overall bad, but it’s complicated.
Two bads do not make a right.
But morality is complex and can’t be reduced to equations. (I see you, Utilitarians and latter day Effective Altruists.)
You can find cases where the lesser of two evils is the right path, but that also doesn’t mean you’re more on the path to heaven. After all, you can be damned if you do as well as don’t.
Irregardless - (adj.) an attempted rebuke or rebuttal of a statement that ignores or overlooks already stated facts, which if included in the thought was have already rendered it moot.
Irregardless - (interj.) a response to declare someone’s statement irregardless.
Yeah, I always think that more than a NSFW binary there should be three or maybe 4 options.
Maybe other folks would do it a bit differently, which is probably why we’re stuck on the binary.
Speaker + listener + maybe others
Speaker + not listener others
But that now seems small fry compared to the differentiating subject and object’s possessive adjectives.