I’ve heard that brand name mentioned around here, but never related to this type of tabletop game
I’ve heard that brand name mentioned around here, but never related to this type of tabletop game
Yeah I’d be more concerned about the steel marking whatever surface they’re tossed on, such as wood tabletops.
Yoko John liked “Yer a postman, Harry.”
FYI: it’s typically management who cuts corners, whether in hiring or process. I’ve met a few exceptions but most devs take pride in their work.
This feels like a reference to a streamer video I’ve never seen
Edit: preemptive “no you”lol
To be understood, I’d probably just say projection, but if you need to emphasize a specific aspect of the behavior, we could break it down as:
Explanation: introjection refers to a mirroring behavior, the kind often seen in children. In this case, the accuser anticipates an accusation from you which threatens or hurts them. To defend themselves, they hurl the accusation right back at you. But of course the first accusation only happened in their head, so all we witness is someone wildly accusing someone else of having their own flaw without any justification.
Well that’s just wholesome af <3 we don’t personally need dice or dildos but I’ll figure out a way to support them