It’s cyclical, years ago, video quality improved dramatically, and then stagnated for almost 40 years as prices fell until it was economical for video quality to improve again. We likely won’t see a meaningful improvement for another 15-20 years, then prices will come down and then we’ll see another improvement.
I used to do my hobby as a full time job, I realized I didn’t enjoy it as much when it was my job so I switched careers so I could still enjoy it.
When the Ukraine war kicked off I called the Ukrainian embassy in my country and let them know that my upstairs bedrooms were empty, and that if they could get the people to the US, I could house some. Then I called all of my representatives and senators and asked for refugee status for Ukrainian citizens.
In the end because of political fuckery I didn’t end up hosting any Ukrainians, but my coworker who’s from Ukraine was able to get her family over here.
In the middle of the night with nary a sound to be heard.
Number 5 I think? I’ve lost count.
DM here. Had a classic dungeon crawl going and the party came against some Kuo-Toa. The Kuo-Toa rolled really poorly against the bards major illusion, so now the party are the mouthpieces of the Kuo-Toa god Blibdoolpoolp.
Part of my job involves operate hoists that are lifting several tonnes over the general public. Anything that is even impairment adjacent, like being tired, will get you removed from that position. If you are actually impaired you’re fired no questions.