Grok is getting reworked very soon.
Grok is getting reworked very soon.
And gun control in America is still a pipe dream.
You are forgetting that USD is the world reserve currency.
It doesn’t make sense because it isn’t supposed to. That is the point.
If Trump had one in 2020 he would have been left with the same situation but his base would have praised him regardless of what he did.
You are comparing the purchasing power of the dollar and, what is essentially, a graph of the value of a bitcoin in dollars. Each dollar of value a bitcoin has doesn’t have more purchasing power than a dollar.
Edit: Just to be clear. Bitcoin is only valuable as long as the dollar, or whatever currency, used to purchase it has value. Hence, bitcoin is less valuable than the money it is bought with.
Crypto is more worthless than the fiat currency we all currently use.
And some people wonder why I have near homicidal tendencies towards cryptobros and/or AI evangelist. This pretty much sums it up.
One dealer sold 1200. No idea how many more sold the rest. Or how many Tesla dealers there are in Canada.
There is no way Tesla offloaded 8600 swasticars in three fucking days. I bet this is hung on some no name middle manager
I thought Khajit only have one tail?
Didnt know Trump was gonna have a mirrored top put on the resolute desk.
I’ve stopped talking politics with my parents. My dad and I argued for hours about the pull out from Afghanistan and he just couldn’t see that the Taliban takeover was going to happen no matter what once US troops were gone. He was, and is, convinced it was all Bidens fault. Somehow Trump was gonna bomb the Taliban out of existence when no president had in 20yrs. Or at least keep them from taking over.
I also watched an analysis the other day from someone taking the position that Trump really views this in terms of scoring domestic political points — like, he’s the peacemaker president, and Biden is the incompetent war president, which is a theme that he’s been campaigning on. If one agrees with that, he also wants the war ended quickly, which places even more impractical constraints on Rubio and similar.
It is the same logic he used his first term when he made the deal with the Taliban to pull US troops out of Afghanistan. It was never going to work but he thought it looked good. The fact he lost and Biden got stuck with the aftermath was a bonus.
In the article they say:
2002 report from the Department of Commerce said that, “by avoiding the formal procurement process, GSA estimates the annual savings to be $1.2 billion.”
With inflation that would now be something like $2.1 billion. So the whole thing is costing money.
The knock on effects will probably be more costly than just canceling cards.
Fucking autocorrect.
Apparently only if what you say is true and for the public benefit can you escape penalty.
That would require people to care.
Without seeing the documents they sent it is not possible to know what they did wrong. I can only guess improper capitalization, wrong shade of red, improper comma usage, incorrect font size and/or type etc. The possibilities are endless. Clearly we need to see what they sent in.
Or they could just make their mortgage payment.