You’ve been banned from Reddit!
You’ve been banned from Reddit!
Not to mention the founding fathers. There were two camps, you had the Jeffersonian camp that was all about the people should be free to vote and do whatever, then you had the Federalist camp like Alexander Hamilton who didn’t trust the people and felt the gov needed a buffer against the mindless mobs. It is looking like Hamilton was right.
Putting up with? They are actively encouraging it.
Not so much morons as tribalism obsessed to the point they’d cut their own nose off to “win”.
I miss Bush Sr at this point.
Reddit; hear no evil, see no evil, upvote no evil
Next, space x?
It is like road rage videos. I hate road rage. I hope they lose their license. But I can’t watch them because they pointlessly get me worked up.
They don’t have to look like point sources that feel like they are burning your retina.
You can enjoy their divorce more
I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, forgive and such, but Trumpers handed a can of gas and a match to a maniac. I can’t find any sympathy for them at this point. They didn’t care that they let the country burn and everyone else with it so why should I feel sorry for them?
I’m sure they will rationalize their situation by blaming anyone other than Trump. It is like the victim of a scam who can’t face themselves in a mirror and continues to double down on the scam.
Please report for reeducation
Your body, your choice (sometimes)
They went on about the “deep state” because their goal was to create a deep state.
Even if I was willing to download all of those apps I don’t have room for them. They chew up 50-300mb each (why!?) and if I installed all of them I’d run out of memory. Since most phones now don’t support memory expansion I have to be picky about which ones I use.
I have THREE separate parking apps because I travel.
They don’t produce anything except some numbers. A total waste of energy. I had to laugh when this guy I know who is very “progressive” and environmentally concerned got pissy when I pointed out how much energy was wasted on bitcoin mining just because he was into it.
Next they’ll ban OMD.