Hey look china got caught putting backdoors in hardware AGAIN
Hey look china got caught putting backdoors in hardware AGAIN
Bet it wouldn’t have happened if they were open carrying
The dude is no hero, he is a Trump supporter took the “deferred resignation” buyout and still wanted to remain in his job after voluntarily resigning like an idiot.
Yeah but there’s reasons those laws don’t apply to him when they would apply to any non rich person who isn’t the puppet of oligarchs.
Man China really played this one well.
(Prefixing this with me saying I hate the Dictatorship of China)
Russia’s obsession with infiltrating the US government is finally seeing returns, but it cost Russia everything.
Basically China just gets to sit and watch the US and Russia turn each other into 3rd world countries, and then China just has to start expanding their borders and they get free 1984 style world domination.
That’s the point, they’re Russian assets dismantling the country from within
The “developed” world throws away more than half of all food and clothing it produces/imports. Simply because it wouldn’t be as lucrative to give away the excess or lower prices. They could do both those things to mitigate waste, but waste isn’t punished so they ignore it.
As long as you’re the one paying her you can make her say whatever you want.
They’ll notice once they can’t access their insurance anymore
You see it’s actually a good thing all their rockets explode because it gives them data to keep making rockets that explode.
We’re probably multiple centuries from robot labor replacing a meaningful amount of human labor.
Modern “AI” can’t even run a call center, it’s not replacing real jobs anytime soon, despite how egar marketing teams are to gaslight C-Suite into paying for it.
Remember that Elon said we would land on Mars by 2024?
We haven’t even started thinking about a Mars misson lmao
If i had family like that I’d slash their tires
Loyalists have been placed in every position of power in Trump’s last term and Biden ignored them because he works for the same billionaires.
The only chance of stopping this is community organized revolution.
Or somebody just gives him a jihad hug when he steps out of his limo
Regulation isn’t extreme, it’s setting basic rules everyone has to play by.
Capitalist propaganda making us think basic rules and regulations are extreme is absolutely extremist rhetoric tho.
Looks like you lost this one troll farm account
Not so easy to shit out disinfo when you can’t ban me XD
That’s right, sucking fascist cock is just the “smart” thing to do.
Keep telling yourself that to justify your cowardice.
“Everyone elses profits” means other landlords and property owners, not people who plan on living in their home.
Why does being a landlord need to be profitable? Why does being privlaged enough to own a human right come with the right to free money?