Betterbird wouldn’t exist without thunderbird though. Same with all those firefox forks people are recommending, if Firefox goes under most of those would go under too.
We all have a choice. To stand, not kneel. To oppose, not obey. To live, not just exist
Betterbird wouldn’t exist without thunderbird though. Same with all those firefox forks people are recommending, if Firefox goes under most of those would go under too.
I don’t even have kids and I have protection in place at home to block devices from accessing sites, not exclusively porn tho, gambling and social networks.
Porn can be bad, okay, but if we taught our kids properly it’s not that bad and curiosity is ok. Gambling is terrible and more and more people are getting addicted to it.
Fuck government paternalism.
Not even orks are so evil.
Polestar is Chinese, since Volvo is Chinese.
Sanctions started around 2014-2015. Even Spain buys gas from Russia.
I’m glad Europe is uniting.
While still buying a lot of natural resources from Russia.
At least half of Europe is the very definition of hypocrisy the last few years.
Zelensky is impresive not because of what he says but because of what he does, I think the European Union isn’t demonstrating anything but talking a lot.
Honestly from Nazism back in the 30’s and 40’s to today technocracy, I can see the similarities. Add some modern China.
I agree with the point that land is owned by the one strong enough to enforce ownership.
I also think you agree with my point that we don’t own our land, or even our houses, the State owns it and we rent it from them.
It’s just a bit of nitpicking in the naming because I prefer calling things what they are not otherwise they end up losing meaning.
You are right until the whole thing is settled it can go either way, it can even go back to “democracy” (two party system isn’t really very democratic)
Well isn’t that pretty much what my local government did?
Considering it’s history. It was Monarch land, then took by dictator, then took by Republic, then took by dictator, then back to Monarchy for a short period during democratic transitioning. Well technically they didn’t even buy it they just took it.
While the people living here, which with me it’s 3 generations of my family but another three before that of another family (the ones who built it), had to paid for it the whole time.
At least the duchess land was really cheap, like 1 testimonial cent even in recent times.
If that sounds fair to you, then okay, nothing different from Absolute Monarchies time except the Monarchs.
This isn’t exactly fascism, this is the first technocracy in the works. Every kind of dictatorship follows the same steps but the end results is different, in this case would end with corporations controlling power, in others was a single dictator, an unitary party, a monarch, and religious leaders.
I rather buy another Korean or Japanese car. As an European except for the electric r5 I have no interest in European car makers, much less from a company that should have disappeared after dieselgate.
If you pay property taxes then the property isn’t yours.
In my town, the land belongs to the local government.
Funny how you say “my communities” and then “discords run them”.
They still have politics, for example, the hardest immigration policy in the planet.
It’s already bad enough that a lot of dry cat food in the market has grain (and the high cost of grainless alternatives) to even considering giving vegan food to a cat pffff.
Vegan cat food? What the frak, poor cats.
Mumble, wire, etc
Matrix (element?) can do everything Discord does.
Let this be a lesson for everyone, no matter how young one is, always have a backup plan for the care of people that’s important to you, and for yourself.