Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


    1. File size limits on the default instance are 20mb.

    But it’s configurable right? Should be looking through configurations anyway.

    1. Its not federated.

    I’d argue that not everything needs to be federated. Some things would definitely benefit from federation, but I’m not entirely sure that this is one of them.

    1. It’s not encrypted.

    This IS a bit of a major negative. But point 2 and point 3 seems to be in conflict. I’m definitely not an expert, and don’t pretend to be. But to my limited, layman’s, knowledge wouldn’t being federated and encrypted not really work out? What would be the point in encrypting all communication between the server instance and client, to then federate it out to other servers?

    I’m not trying to be contrarian here, I’m really asking, is that something that would:

    1. Work.
    2. Makes sense to do

    Or is the lack of encryption a security risk for server operators? I’m not getting the point, obviously. And I’d like to know what your thinking on this is.

  • That’s a Skill Issue…git güd chump! /s

    Definitely get that. Honestly think the difficulty scaling in the game is completely fucked. The first hour and a bit is just right. Everything after is pretty much a cakewalk, with occasional instances of having to replay a section repeatedly because all your equipment and skills that smeared everything into a red mist prior suddenly is like throwing pebbles at a BattleMech… That’s pretty much my only gripe with the game. Inconsistent difficulty.

  • If the landlord doesn’t cooperate, maybe you can tell them you’ll call pest control yourself and deduct the amount from the rent you owe… no idea how well that would go legally speaking, but maybe it’ll allow you some negotiating leverage. (obligatory IANAL)

    Not usually kosher. Withholding rent isn’t typically. Many places have a Landlord/Tenant regulatory body. And in a situation like this, you would usually say to your landlord something along the lines of:

    It’s your responsibility as the landlord to deal with pests. Since you continue to refuse, I’m forced to go through XYZ Regulatory Board.

    Start whatever system that regulator has to deal with landlords not keeping on top of their obligations. If paying for and withholding rent is what’s allowed, it’s better that you have contacted the organisation responsible for enforcement of rental laws. If just withholding rent is what’s allowed, said organisation will often be a “neutral” 3rd party and hold the money due to the landlord in escrow until they do whatever they are supposed to.

    Just withholding rent is grounds for eviction almost everywhere. Do not withhold rent as the first step.

    If you withhold rent without going through the proper systems you will often get a “you were right, but you didn’t do it right, so you still have to get out” from the regulator when they enforce what is actually a legal eviction.