Sorry I never responded to this, but thank you for posting the link. That’s absolutely dystopian… and exactly on brand for this administration, I’m afraid.
Sorry I never responded to this, but thank you for posting the link. That’s absolutely dystopian… and exactly on brand for this administration, I’m afraid.
If you didn’t see the other comment, you really should check out the fanfic “Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.” It’s almost 2,000 pages, extremely well written, and (to give you an idea of how the story feels) one of the first things Harry does when he visits Gringotts for the first time is realize that since the wizarding world uses a precious-metals-based currency, a competent hedge fund manager could be the richest person in the wizarding world in about a week.
Thank you for posting this! I spent a whole day off reading it and even forgot to go to bed on time 😅
Wait, what?
Now we’re upping the funding for said genocide and actively cheering it on.
If using neopronouns didn’t get a reaction out of people, they wouldn’t do it.
Respecting all pronouns is the best way to deal with trolls.
No one wants to be a flasher in a nudist colony.
Please do! It’s one of the best examples of how violating a taboo can be more traumatic than the thing itself because of what it represents.