As an American: you guys eat American chocolate?
Some say that giant Koreans don’t exist.
As an American: you guys eat American chocolate?
Hydrolyzed casein. It smells and tastes like vomit x10.
Very ethereal. Love it.
Lol this is great!
I don’t own that book but I’ve heard nothing but good things.
I can’t unsee this
My last boss sucked, so I was looking for a another job to go to to get away from him. I’ve been at this job for 24 years now.
Much less giant ones.
IIRC, liquid smoke is made by burning wood and catching it in condensation which drips down into a container that collects it. It’s literally smoke in liquid.
It probably turns a lot of people off because it smells very strong, and because it feels a bit like cheating to add it to something. I feel like it has its place in some applications.
I grew up with it, lol.
Huh, weird. That’s my go to. It doesn’t taste that bad to me, but I’ve tasted some pretty horrible things.
I mean, kind of. It’s meant to break up scar tissue and adhesions.
Recently? I got graston done on my knees (https://painhero.ca/blog/the-graston-technique-what-is-it-and-how-effective-is-it)
Might work well for some, but I could barely walk for a week.
Someone smeared shit on his shit.
No telemetry, allegedly.
Edit: There does still appear to be some, although it’s less than FF and it’s anonymized. I ended up going with Fennec just in case.
A guy goes to the doctor and tells the doctor he hasn’t been feeling well - tired, losing weight, etc. The doctor runs a few tests, then tells the guy to come back the next day with a banana and two cookies. The guy is confused, but tells the doctor he’ll do so.
The next day he arrives at the doctor’s office with a banana and two cookies. The doctor has him take off his pants and bend over, and then he inserts the banana and two cookies up the guy’s ass. He asks the guy to come back the next day with a banana and two cookies.
This repeats every day for almost a week. The guy arrives with a banana and two cookies, and the doctor inserts them up the guy’s ass. Just as the guy is about to lose it, the doctor asks him to come back the next day with a banana and a hammer. The guy is obviously concerned, but the doctor asks him to trust him.
The guy comes back to the doctor’s office the next day with the banana and a hammer. He pulls down his pants, bends over, and the doctor inserts the banana into his ass and stands there with the hammer. They wait for some time and the guy asks the doctor what’s going on, but the doctor just tells him to wait.
Suddenly, a tape worm pops his head out of the guy’s ass and says, “HEY! Where’s my two cookies??”
I’m giving Waterfox a test drive and like it so far. No issues.
I wonder if they could somehow carve out a thin path down to Atlanta and include us. Pls.
We do have pretty decent chocolate here, but it’s not any of the major brands. I grew up eating Hershey, which is pretty bad (but it kind of has a special place in my heart - nostalgia and all that).