- House Rat
- The Honkeys
- Shaboogey
- Moldplay
(Wiener would be better, but I only get one letter. Oh well.)
Yeah, but Star Trek, though. That’s a “killer feature” for a lot of people.
Paramount+ doesn’t work for shit, though. They keep inventing new and different ways to break. Even if you’re really into the content they provide, they’re so hard to work with and keep working consistently. Not like Netflix or Prime Video or Disney+ or whatever. (Hulu is… pretty janky as well. But anyway.)
Not always true. Sometimes you major in what you love, graduate, get a job doing cool stuff, (get fucked over by an asshole boss, change companies, kinda hate working there every day, find out through the grapevine the asshole fomer boss had been fired for being an asshole, return to the company you liked working at), well paid the whole time, and continue to love what you do so much you don’t get enough of it at work and do it more every evening and weekend as a hobby.
But then, my experience is a) a bit dated (I graduated college before 2010) and b) most likely atypical.
Dying – with style.
You’re not wrong, but…
The arabic numererals we use in our primary base-10 system are very arbitrary. There’s no connection between the around-a-tree-around-a-tree numeral “3” we use to represent the number after the candy-cane-with-a-shoe numeral “2” and the concept of the number 3.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. What if the numerals in our base-60 system themselves followed a pattern.
One of the simpler and more straightforward ways of doing that (that might not work well in practice, at least not for hand-written numerals) would be just to make each numeral in our base-60 system be a vertical line of 6 marks, each either a dot or a dash. We could use that then to encode a single digit in our base-60 system using base-2 digits.
For instance:
. .
. .
. _
. .
_ _
. .
Would be (1*2^1)*60^1+(1*2^3+1*2^1)*60^0 = 2*60^1+10*60^0 = 120+10 = 130
Viola! Base-60 with (handwave, mutter, qualify) only 2 numerals!
There are downsides to this as well. For instance, you’d have to not consider certain patterns valid. Six base-2 digits can encode numbers up to 63, so you’d just have to throw away the last four and say you’re not allowed to put a 60, 61, 62, or 63 in a single digit. (Also, we’d need language to differentiate between the base-2 digits and the base-60 digits in the same exact number system.)
Not the only way it could be approached, but it’s an option.
Akshully, though…
The thing with base 60 is that 60 is evenly divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Also, notably, 12. And 10.
It’s pretty trivial to divide anything in base 10 by either 2 or by 5, right? That’s specifically because 10 is divisible by 2 and 5.
But try to divide some nice round number like 10 by 3 and you can’t even represent that in decimal without stating that “oh, and by the way, these threes go on forever.”
Ever wonder why so many things come in dozens? It’s largely because 12 is evenly divisible by 2, 3, and 4.
10, though? When was the last time you needed to divide things evenly by five? It’s so much more common to want to divide by 3.
So in short, base 60 honestly has some significant benefits over base 10.
But, really, haha “sex”, am I right?
What would the “bot that finds bots larping as people” do exactly? Ban them? Block or mute them? File reports? DM an admin about them?
If it’s just for pointing out suspected LLM-generated material, I think humans would be better at that than bots would be, and could block, mute, or file reports as necessary.
Also, are you saying you intend to make a bot that posts LLM-generated drivel or a bot that detects LLM-generated drivel?
Pewdiepie is a Nazi.
Nazis still deserve punches.
Shrimp > blockchain. Can’t disagree with him there.
For that matter, shit is better than blockchain. Because at least shit is good for manure.
“Have a 4chan?” Isn’t 4chan loginless?
Real story.
I was in my late teens. My parents were dragging me to a tiny, kinda culty church every fuckin’ weekend. Didn’t really have much choice. (Hell, I hadn’t even told anyone yet that I thought Christianity was 100% bullshit.)
I had a reputation for knowing my stuff about computers. (Because normies – particularly boomer normies like Pastor Dipshit – don’t know the difference between programmers and PC support.)
So, one Sunday after the service, Pastor Dipshit asks me to look at his computer. His Outlook was giving an error dialog. Something about not being able to find an email on disk. Clicking the “ok” button just resulted immediately in another dialog, and while the error dialog was present you couldn’t interact with the main window, so this rendered Outlook unusable.
Turns out he’d gone and deleted a bunch of files from the filesystem. Like by navigating from “My Computer” down to the directory where Outlook stored its files. Rather than deleting emails through the Outlook GUI the way one is meant to.
So, I mused “hmm, I wonder if it’s just giving one error message per email that was affected.” I could see in the window behind the error dialog that the total count of emails in his inbox was only a couple hundred or something.
So I commenced to clicking as rapidly as I could. Probably about a minute of clicking later, no more error dialogs and Outlook was usable again.
And everyone marveled at my “genius.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t learn his lesson and continued to delete random files from the filesystem, but he kindof lost what was left of his connection to consensus reality and scared even my culty family away and we quit attending that church not terribly long after that, so I couldn’t say for sure.