I tip my fedora hat to you kind gentlesir! Updoots to the left!
I tip my fedora hat to you kind gentlesir! Updoots to the left!
Fucking bullshit, but entirely unsurprising that a cop gets away with a slap on the wrist for something that would put anyone else away behind bars. NSW has never truly moved on from the Rum Corp
Says the administration where the president himself committed crimes without consequence.
Firstly, the USA is obviously not a “dictatorship”.
You sure about that? Have you read the news lately?
Cults of personality fall apart when the leader dies though.
However, I agree that you can’t just assassinate your way out of a deep, societal sickness. You have to address the underlying symptoms or it will just flare up again.
DankChristianMemes. Was just fantastic. Perhaps the best ‘neutral’ ground I ever saw for Christians & Atheists to laugh at themselves & each other.
It’s a bit quiet though
‘Remember that obese rockstar whose heart exploded while trying to take a shit? I’m basically like him!’
But seriously, can he be like Elvis in this specific way?
Serious answer, stool samples can tell you a lot about a person’s health, and that knowledge can give you an advantage (especially against nations that insist on electing geriatrics to high office).