None of them want to blow up the economy. Trump knows that if he cooks the economy, he’s done. That’s what’s stopping him, nothing else. He’ll talk big, but when stocks fall, he’ll crumble. I think it’s only a matter of time before he cooks it for some other creative reason though. He’ll try to blame everyone else of course.
That being said, Canada/Mexico would never throw the first stone either though. They are just as beholden to the same stock market.
In the end, this is one of the only things I actually agree with the orange moron on. Globalization will continue killing our job market and the only way to reverse some of it is to make the playing field more level via tariffs. Shipping all of the manufacturing jobs abroad could only work if you had a highly educated workforce, but they’re trying to make us dumber too while replacing as much as possible with automation and AI. It has to break somewhere.
Especially not WrestleMania lady
Those are words of true leadership. I’m exceedingly inspired!
He looks like he’s pinching a loaf and just realized he’s supposed to be in a meeting.
You ever wonder what that would feel like as it traveled across your naked body?
He didn’t realize he could have had a double teabag that night.