If it was me I would go alternating between the two ILNP polishes.
Now I need more nail polishes 😅
If it was me I would go alternating between the two ILNP polishes.
Now I need more nail polishes 😅
You got anymore of them pixels? I really can’t understand what’s in the screenshot.
Woah, I’ve been reading up her controversial comments and holy shit… She’s got a bad case of hardcore centrism which to me is as problematic as extremism.
It’s a fuzzy micro-generation, it’s considered to be people who were born approximately between 1977 and 1985. We define generations by social trends and researchers find that the events, tools & technology present during their youth greatly impact how a generation interacts with and view the world.
Gen X was well into adulthood when the internet and social media appeared and Millenials were so young that they basically had it their whole lives. Xenials are the ones that lived through the technological shift during their youth and teens.
Post it when you’re done!!!