I think the person might not have been qualified to make diagnoses at that point? With any MRT I’ve ever had taken, the people who actually took it told me they weren’t allowed to comment on it in any way, and I had to wait for the doctor to take a look.
Finally someone who actually uses a Vostro. Always found that name unreasonably funny.
I set up my current desktop while reading Gaiman’s The Sandman, so it’s called Morpheus. Because I felt I needed to keep with the theme, my laptop is hades, my phone persephone, my server apollo, my router helios, the media centre PC is orpheus, the pi that boots and updates it outside of usage hours is eurydice, and the pi that runs home assistant is zeus (because it’s responsible for light(n)ing.
Oh, and the work profile on my phone is sisyphos.
I much prefer Multi-Monitor on vesa arms. Works better with the way I work, less hassle in games that don’t like unusual aspect ratios.
It’s supported by the Belgian Branch of my bank, but not the other national branches.
I mean, didn’t he do that Carlson interview a few days ago? I wouldn’t put it past Trump to pardon him, as long as he keeps on message and drums up some attention.
In German, they’re Glühwürmchen (“glow worms”).
It’s mostly a she’s-corrupt-and-shouldn’t-hold-any-public-office thing.
Also, the new owners run payday loan schemes.
That’s bullshit, I’m good friends with several ex-partners. Might not work for some people, but definitely not a general rule.
Depends on your process. Are you using the Google (Search) App? I don’t think you can turn that off in there. I’d take a look at using a different Browser. If you’re on iOS, Safari is probably fine, if you’re on Android, I’d think about using Firefox (Google Play), or if you’re feeling daring, Fennec, a more privacy focused version of Firefox (F-droid).
The UX will be different, and you gotta decide whether you’re fine with that, but at least those won’t change the links you’re trying to share.
Why use a Google link shortener with tracking, instead of linking to the Hollywood reporters site directly.
Or, more to the point, why use a Google app that replaces links you want to share with redirects?
The last time I ate McDonald’s, I arrived in Pasewalk, a tiny town in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, on a much delayed train at 2 in the morning. They where the only place that was open, and I hadn’t eaten since noon.
That burger was kinda OK, but it might have been the circumstance. They stopped selling vegan burgers anyway, so whatever.
Well, macOS is unix based, and when debbuging a friends mac, I usually find that I find the terminal more comfortable than the Windows Command Prompt.
Now, that Mac does break in very weird ways sometimes, but I digress.
Third party key market places are kinda iffy, and there have been numerous cases of the keys being offered on there having been bought with stolen credit cards, or otherwise generated in ways that aren’t quite above board.
I remember one interview with an indy dev in which they said they prefer people pirating, because chargebacks from stolen cards are actively costing them money.
For people who feel they need the entertainment games provide, but can’t afford current prices, I feel pirating games from conglomerates, and buying from smaller studios and indies is the most socially responsible way to do it, but I’m not your mum.
Edit: Huh, looks like greenmangaming gets their keys directly from the publishers. Didn’t know that was a thing. Guess I was a bit quick on the trigger there, should have checked first. Sorry about that.