Lol, and what would the ransom be for taking down someone’s money-burning hobby project?
I blow hot air.
Lol, and what would the ransom be for taking down someone’s money-burning hobby project?
You may not like it, but this is what peak work/life balance looks like.
Lol, agreed. Though, I’ll point out that many, many buildings (and people) easily predate the internet.
You can easily do a same-day wire transfer of this amount. Technically there’s no limit on the size of wire transfers. There’s probably a point where the bank will start asking questions, but car / mortgage down-payment sized transfers aren’t an issue.
But, yeah, I bet cash withdrawals are another ballgame. Not least because the bank probably doesn’t actually keep that much cash in typical customer-facing locations.
Thing is, it already was ubiquitous before the AI “boom”. That’s why everything got an AI label added so quickly, because everything was already using machine learning! LLMs are new, but they’re just one form of AI and tbh they don’t do 90% of the stuff they’re marketed as and most things would be better off without them.
Who has this many friends willing to jump into a creek fully unclothed?
The swasticar is shit, but that dumpster is 100% AI generated.