Instead of training locals they hire foreigners. Instead of raising wages due to market forces they hire foreigners. Instead of letting house prices go down they get foreigners.
All the things that the average working class person cares about. Cheap housing, jobs, job training. Is pushed further and further away from them and instead what benefits the landowners and business owners is given to them.
The best bit is the left who used to push for work for locals has been taken on the ride and basically say if anyone is against immigration in anyway is racist and will not discuss it under any circumstance. The only people that listen to the working class is the far right. It’s literally the only answer that’s why people are going to them.
On top of that most people are not against immigration as such. No one minds people who have values of the country, who are educated and hard working.
But what do the stats say, literal government stats, that the people that come in are less educated than the locals, they take more from the country and they commit more crime. At least some of them, or from some countries. These are the people that the locals want to stop. But the left says its racist to even talk about this and will do nothing about it, for the right they benefit due to being land or business owners. So who is remaining? The far right.
The highest frequency I see of it is when issues are discarded when it is an issue with men. Be it homelessness, suicide, job inequality, domestic violence or any other issue. But not for women. It seems men are worthless in a lot of people’s eyes because they aren’t women.
Or equally men are responsible for all the bad things in the world because simply they are men and men are responsible. For example a common issue is when men say they open up to a woman and that women used that to attack them. Then someone might say this is the patriarchy and toxic masculinity in action and men need to sort it out. Even though the man has done absolutely nothing wrong only the woman. Deflecting any responsibly from women doing something they shouldn’t have.
The inequality of responses from those being harmed, or undervalued and those responsible for the negativity seems at times strongly dependant on if it is a man or a women.
At least that is what I have seen mostly. But I’m more curious about others.