Yeah sure, after they all voted for him, and probably love the tax cuts for the rich and corporate entities.
deleted by creator
That’s what I was wondering too. Why hire or appoint the position, just to abolish it completely.
Politics is so fucking stupid sometimes.
They want a large mass of imbeciles because they’re easy to control, and do the worst jobs for the lowest pay.
Rich people are rich, and therefore can afford the better private education.
This is the right thing to do. Make responses permanent, otherwise trump will just continue his idiotic game of bouncing back and forth.
The ICE fucks who are ordered to arrest Ukrainians here fleeing wartime (children, mothers, elderly) better fucking resign and/or blatantly refuse this shit. If not, these traitors should be executed right along with trump and vance.
This feels so much closer to the real truth than anything. It really can be this simple for the trump cult.
Traitors, plural. They’re all fucking traitors and it’s so obvious.
Maga will never care and will always justify or rationalize it in the most idiotic ways.