Ho-lee-shit I had no idea Japanese law was so ass-backwards.
Ho-lee-shit I had no idea Japanese law was so ass-backwards.
Wait, you can’t be critical of someone if they’re selling a product regardless?
That’s kinda how I felt too. Maybe if you’re just really good at stealth games it’s easier lol.
I never finished the first two but I’m excited for this.
I mean you can enable “slow mode” in certain channels which puts you on a timer after sending a message. I think it’s configurable too.
I had no idea there was even such a thing as an egg allergy
Damn. Did it still get put back onto steam? I remember seeing something about it being put back on steam, but I haven’t really looked for it in a while.
Funny enough this is one of the early access games whose discord I follow, but I never pay attention to it
I have no idea how someone could use it for that.
The amount of people who spam messages in the boards is absolutely fucking insane. They’ll do that thing where they make it seem like they’re taking pauses or whatever when they’re putting breaks. Example:
Did you guys know?
That when you need to refill your characters ammo
You can reload by pressing R?
And other shit like that, but way worse and even shorter messages each time. I only use discord to keep up to date with early access games, or some communities that I’m a part of (YouTubers, and multiplayer communities like Project Zomboid servers). My job also uses discord to communicate (we’re a small company but with people around the country).
That’s because the first term was to prepare
I for one am glad I have faces to attach to the piece of shit.
If I ever see one in public, they get a nice crisp high-five. To the face.
But not 3, Reach or ODST?