Without knowing the flight number, airline and date, we don’t know the route it’s scheduled to fly. It may stop in LA or Phoenix. Need more info.
Without knowing the flight number, airline and date, we don’t know the route it’s scheduled to fly. It may stop in LA or Phoenix. Need more info.
Everyone is smarter than you don-old! Even the residents of local graveyards.
If you are on any of those listed platforms, please report those accounts as spam/fishing.
AI the racist replacement to qualified Humans.
Xelon + fraud? No one is shocked.
President Felon is not a business man, he’s a con man and a bully. This was about a public excuse to dump Ukraine in putins lap, nothing more.
Um, yeah… hi mom. We kind of went joy riding and… well… I’m going to stay overnight on the Moon. Will check in later.
Why does Alexa have texture now???
I nominate a toasted strawberry pop tart! It will do so many great things compared to president felon.
Just hire a hacker to get them and be done with the censorship.
That’s going to be annoying getting all those viagra emails from “Canadian” pharmacies.
Trust a christian.
This is how you troll a troll. Orange donnie has always been a professional troll.
Let’s do a test on RFKjr and see if ‘vitamins’ cure him of measles.
I use mbin or kbin because that ugly rat and the name, lemmy are stupid. That’s just my opinion.
twitter bluesky (twitter 2.0) reddit (twitter 3.0)
Crypto is not actually money. It’s a scam, just like president felon.
They plan to sell it off and strip mine it. Drill & frack the US to death.