My guy, I’m almost as old as you. I just haven’t given up yet.
If you want to give, that’s fine. You can enjoy your schadenfreude while the world burns around you, I’d rather at least think about doing something about it.
My guy, I’m almost as old as you. I just haven’t given up yet.
If you want to give, that’s fine. You can enjoy your schadenfreude while the world burns around you, I’d rather at least think about doing something about it.
No I’ve recognized the virus-like existence of humans for the bulk of my 43 years.
So do most of the people who vote (or don’t vote) for this shit. Maybe we should stop focusing so much on how much everyone else sucks and start trying to help each other.
People giving up is what got us into this position.
A nickel is smaller and thicker, and has a smooth edge compared to the quarter. Can you not tell the difference?
I feel we should simplify that even further by saying undermorrow.
Who said anything about angry and defensive? I said you were obsessive.
Yes, but the average persons individual efforts mean fuck all in the scheme of things. It’s not individuals that make the difference, it’s the collective effort.
Which, frankly, doesn’t mean shit in this hypothetical situation. Hypothetically you could use your infinite money to create enough carbon offsets to completely fix the climate entirely for everyone everywhere.
Obsessing about small things like that to the complete rejection of all joy in life won’t solve anything. If anything it will drive away any positive influences in your life, making you a joyless curmudgeon who can help no one.
Vacations are one incredibly small factor in the overall picture. In order to combat the negative impact we’ve had on our climate we need to fundamentally change pretty much every aspect of our lives from the top down.
And you’re free to be disappointed, but just don’t be surprised when other people think less of you for trying to ruin what little guilt-free fun people can have.
I’m assuming you’re talking about the All American, as that’s the main one I could find. About fifteen days, and $2400. Which is about as much as a three to five day cruise, depending on cruiseline.
Being bought, or being sold? There’s a difference. If they’re not being bought at those numbers, they’ll still show up the most.
They also said “starting”, which implies that’s what it’s being sold at, not what you see the most listings for.
I’m surprised it’s not x@doge.x
… hunter2?
Twice, technically. Once when it was canceled with season 5, then again with 7.
Most of his money is imaginary anyways.
Well, sure. Adding many variables usually makes anything harder to do. But that generally just means it takes a little more effort.
Are your hands horribly mangled or something? Am I bringing up something hard for you to deal with?