The piece of crap my apartment has doesn’t clean the top rack for shit, has some stupid telescoping sprayer that comes up from the bottom (and takes up a massive chunk of the bottom shelf)
The piece of crap my apartment has doesn’t clean the top rack for shit, has some stupid telescoping sprayer that comes up from the bottom (and takes up a massive chunk of the bottom shelf)
I imagine the US standard of shoving antibiotics into the chickens instead of vaccinating them probably doesn’t help
I was looking to get a 7900 XTX, and then once the 5090 released all the sellers jacked the price up on the 7900 XTX to about $1500 USD
I shall abuse these toaster powers thoroughly and for my own amusement. Every toaster on the planet will go off at the same time!
It took me a very long time to understand why i was happy when someone called me “miss” from behind me in a store (ive had long hair since i turned 18)
As long as its at least CAT6a.
One of the kings, a Henry I think?
Edit: nope! King George II
For ham, thats fine and very easy, its a solid piece of meat. For poultry or softer meats that can sometimes be problematic but still very doable. Chipped meat is the devil, wrenches the hell of out the shoulders for whoever’s using the slicer and probably damages the slicer a bit, as you have to use force to keep the meat and blade at the right angles.
Oh, and people who order large amounts of razor thin salami, that takes forever as it weighs so little per slice
So glad i dont work in a deli anymore lol
“Uhhhh, can i get that chipped/shredded?” ~most hated customer in line at the deli
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
Parasitic wasps will paralyse spiders and lay eggs inside them, then the spider will slowly die being eaten alive by wasp larva from the inside.
I dont think i even finished the tutorial for Syndicate, it was so bad. No human being is that fucking spongy and taking 20 something punches to the face, and like you said, why is an assassin punching people!?
My time has come!
The pokemon games aren’t the draw they once were. They’re kinda shit these days; graphics, mechanics, storytelling, etc.
USB ports, probably. We put that shit on everything. That and electrical plugs.
If you get any on your skin, DO NOT USE WARM WATER. Cold water only to wash it off.
The rules disallowing them to spy on people because they’re LGBTQ+ were removed.
I dont even program and i could’ve told them it was probably a placeholder or default value lol “durrrrrr lot of people in this database were born at the exact same time on the same day in the same year that predates electronic databases, gotta be fraud!!1!1!11”
Yay, I love disassembly time!