Go make something interesting before the world burns out
OP visited the “Friends zone”
my maths teacher sang it like a little show tune. Stuck in the memory forever. I literally heard her singing 🎵quadratic formullaaaa🎵
For Teams make sure you logout and then log back in. That restarts the session. Restarting your computer does nothing to Teams.
Same thing as when old people said they were against Antifa or antifa was causing violence. Anti Fascist. You don’t support the Anti Fascists. Are you ok with the Fascists then? Shuts the boomers up because they remember daddy fought the Fascists even if their lead addled brains can’t remember what that is
Remote mines from Goldeneye for N64. Never felt more like a spy than when you bait someone into charging at you spraying bullets and you just press a button on your watch