Right?! That’s how some on Lemmy seem to think things are here now. lolololol
Socialist Mormon Satanist. Socialist Workers Party Kopimist. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Work-free. Over 45,000 downvotes hurled at me for refusing to kneel and vote for the capitalist Duopoly. This is one of my own instances! I won’t be stopped. I won’t be silenced. :)
Right?! That’s how some on Lemmy seem to think things are here now. lolololol
Nah, nobody is forcing you to work anywhere,
So you’re being forced to work at a place you don’t like? Really? They actually have armed guards keeping you there?
Basically you are advocating having employees bear the costs of management fee fees.
I’m not advocating shit. I’m not running the fucking companies. They’re not my fucking companies. I’m saying you don’t have to work at a company you don’t like. I worked at plenty of places. And I quit plenty of good jobs, simply because I didn’t wanna deal with assholish behavior.
In fact, the last place I worked used to be awesome. New management came in. I didn’t like them. So I retired early and told them fuck off. It ain’t that hard, friend.
Not every company had to run it like YOU want them to. You aren’t in charge of the company. If you wanna start a company and run it like that, you are free to do that.
Stop fucking bitching like we are all prisoners. lmao
Dude, I retired this year. So yes, I know what WFH is like. lmao
And it doesn’t fucking matter what I think, it’s the fact that most workplaces don’t like it. You can deal with it or find a place that allows it. You are totally free to move to a job that supports you. No one is forcing anyone to work anywhere.
Yeah, I agree. Tough conversations all around.
I support the CEO on this position. His company. His rules. And I think he makes good points. Work from home is a fucking joke for most companies. I hope he doesn’t backdown and keeps up this attitude.
I’d totally love to work for this guy. But I’m retired, so it wouldn’t be better than my gig.
But if were working, he sounds like an awesome boss!
I am an asshole. So I can’t apologize for that. But I can say, don’t take it personal, it’s just my Lemmy persona. I don’t take any of this seriously.
I’m sure you’re a cool guy in real life and we’d have a beer together, mate!
But brah, I replied to a guy who said, “Who’s bitching weirdo?” You really think my response was overall aggressive to that?! Come on, mate…
I don’t know. But it ain’t me. I’m not mad about Trump at all. Y u mad, bro?
Then you all can stop bitching about him and how Trump won the election because of him. Right? :)
Depends on their age.
Are you really fucking mad because you are younger than me?! Da fuq?! Get tha fuck outta here…
Dude, I’d trade my retirement for your fucking age any day of the fucking week! lol