A Motherboard has too many individual components that could fail and your OS will still be running “normally”. Is not like, for example, an electrill drill which has a motor and gears, if the motor burns or the gears strip, is dead.
A Motherboard has too many individual components that could fail and your OS will still be running “normally”. Is not like, for example, an electrill drill which has a motor and gears, if the motor burns or the gears strip, is dead.
Ik, it must be ‘traumatic’ for them.
Damn, what the fuck. He turned the USA into a 3rd world country in less than 60 days. And I bet this dependencies are all gonna get privatized.
Damn I remember hearing this a lot like 15 years ago.
But if she’s your high school civics teacher you flirt with her?
They’ve been offering premium for $1 idk if its for a full year but I don’t care, I signed up for tuta nota mail.
¿No nos volvería lentos y flojonazos? (not a real word if you translate, more like slang meaning to be really lazy)
Wanna make the US better?
Look at Europe, for starters. Make walkable and cyclable cities that are designed for humans not for cars. Then have normal speed (< 200kph) trains on an hourly or even half hourly service between neighboring cities.
I mean, for starters, there’s approximately the same distance between Los Angeles and Phoenix, than between Frankfurt and Paris, the difference is the geographic variation, climate and other factors such as Arizona and California being separated entities even though they are in a federal union, that wouldn’t make it worth it or work.
That’s a compilation story book, take everything you read there as fantasy. My favorite story is Genesis, the part were the dad offers his virgin daughters to have sex with a furious gang of people.
Digitized Civil Asset Forfeiture
So that’s why I recovered 4GB of pictures out of a 1GB card from my dad’s camera huh? TIL
It won’t take too long for them to invent the porn machine.
Nah, we elected the first timeline Marty’s Dad and Biff is the head of DOGE.
From 2-CB for recreation to Theacrine & 5-HTP for leisure.
Honestly yeah, civil war 2025 baby!!! There’s already AltGov organizations popping out… We need to organize better, to learn from Hong Kong and its residents.
Si yo también comprendo, qué necesidad de comentar todo el tiempo en anglais?
I do in an ultra wide because I like to also have YouTube, music or something.