few people know this but there is actually quite a lot of money to be made from scamming your friends
proud recipient of the prestigious you tried award.
few people know this but there is actually quite a lot of money to be made from scamming your friends
the wikipedia page says:
MMT is controversial, and is actively debated with dialogues about its theoretical integrity, the implications of the policy recommendations of its proponents, and the extent to which it is actually divergent from orthodox macroeconomics. MMT is opposed to the mainstream understanding of macroeconomic theory and has been criticized heavily by many mainstream economists.
i don’t think your comment properly highlights how controversial MMT is. i’m not an economist, but i don’t think it’s fair to use language like “taxes funding things is a myth” and “technically nothing is funded by taxes and taxes are just a money void”, when those claims rely on such a controversial theory.
another reliable one is “PSA: “. sometimes they are helpful, but most of the time it’s stuff i already know, or stuff that’s fairly subjective (and that i’ve heard before)