1 year agoNot sure how related this is but in my field, designing industrial control systems, each seperate physical button is about $100 added to the cost over a touchscreen. We call touchscreens HMIs just to be special and sound smart. I imagine the numbers are very similar for cars but I don’t have data to back that up.
Apparently what happens is you are rich, well-liked, respected, powerful, have a big family, and you live to a pretty old age.
Got to say your skydaddy is sending some mixed messages here.
Remind me again: doesn’t the Book of Job make it clear that anyone who says “x happens because you were bad, y happens because you are good” (without direct prophecy) is worthy of death? Doesn’t Leviticus make it pretty clear that you are not to interpret signs and omens? Doesn’t Solomon teach that good and bad happen to people regardless of how they act? Isn’t the actions of Jesus proof that success doesn’t mean virtue and neither does misfortune?
Try being an atheist, it is a lot easier. You get to just accept that if there is any justice in this world, it is the justice us humans make.