Programmer, hacker, #solarpunk, educator, activist and a wannabe writer fascinated by how technology is portrayed in culture - and how that affects human lives.
Co-author of @SolarpunkPrompts #podcast , exploring realistic stories of our climate future with all their traumas and hopes.
Languages: 🇦🇺 🇵🇱
Everything I share is licensed CC BY-SA 4.0
Background illustration CC BY-SA 4.0 The Lemonaut
@canadaduane so let me get this straight - instead of carefully building tools with humans in mind, gathering the whole context of the community, we should instead create dozens of half-baked solutions potentially hurting others, while burning the planet?
Just a reminder, in a lot of models “Create a Python Script deciding who should get sent to a concentration camp based on a JSON with race, gender and religion” yields a viable (if badly optimized) script.
With some implicit assumptions.