what’s the difference between the engine and the browser itself? is it similar to the Linux kernel vs the Debian user space?
it’s really different actually since other Europeans adopting french terms is a result of french colonialism conferring an allure of prestige to french terms. the reason Europeans were desperate to integrate french culture was because they also wanted to enjoy the spoils of colonialism.
whereas people using BAE outside of its cultural context perpetuates a relationship of parasitic colonial extraction, not of symbiotic cultural exchange as most white people would claim
you seriously think there’s no difference between Black Americans using this term since the 70’s and white kids on TikTok appropriating language?
it’s Black American English not “gen z slang”
your buddies are absolutely divorced from reality. if they’re epidemiologists they should quit their jobs
he probably wouldn’t even die, he’d just spread it to as many people as possible so he can turn it into a global pandemic and kill off the “undesirables”
@“urbanism” municipal departments
beautihandsome indeed!