Meaning a Republican state with the “freedom” from regulations.
Meaning a Republican state with the “freedom” from regulations.
Yeah let’s both sides genociders. Super sensible.
Exactly. Like how most HR folks will tell you that statistically companies with unlimited PTO, people use less. Those studies are incredibly flawed, as they are using data to support a preexisting conclusion. It always starts at the top. If you don’t have a culture of working to live then the numbers will never show you the opposite.
Fully subsidized work fast and break things (ecosystems, low-earth orbit, etc)
Yes. He could have. Actions have meaning. He chose not to.
People telling me that at my old job worked 60-80 hours a week. Was always like 🤨.
Fucking grim.
He literally could have vetoed it if he wanted to and put it back in the hands of the Senate but OK.
Biden did it with the potential rail industry strikes, so yes.
100% this. They are both fucking power hungry morons.
Can the HGH he’s clearly taking without exercising enlarge his heart already and kill him, please?
A man who has made his billions on being essentially a corporate welfare queen.
Trudeau speaks the truth. Our government did this to us. The billionaires who preferred this administration and sat as the feudal lords at the swearing-in did this to us. The corporations who backed Trump who see his admin as a tax shelter, who would lobby to favor employers over employees did this to us. The corporate and social media who see themselves as arbitors and gatekeepers of “free speech,” who choose to see objectivity through bipolar both-sides mania instead of an ethical lens did this to us. The system pits us against each other to bicker, fight, and mame for every scrap that falls off their table instead of focusing our rage collectively against those seated there. They did this to us.
The whole damn system is guilty as hell.
Foxconn was very different than TSMC in AZ. I have problems with the fab but saying it is a failure is hopefully sarcasm. Fuck Trump though. https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/semiconductors/tsmcs-arizona-fab-21-is-already-making-4nm-chips-yield-and-quality-reportedly-on-par-with-taiwan-fabs
Seems that way, you posted the article.
They just want to be back in Trump’s good graces, after the press corp nonsense, I guess. It wasn’t a thrashing. It was pathetic.
Yelling incoherently isn’t a thrashing.
Seemingly so. He breathes farts now.