Why would you expect an aggregator-and-comment site bought and rebranded by reddit-cofounder O’Hanian to end up significantly different than his other aggregator-and-comment site?
Why would you expect an aggregator-and-comment site bought and rebranded by reddit-cofounder O’Hanian to end up significantly different than his other aggregator-and-comment site?
Alternative to steps 6 through 17: refuse to use any webstore that doesn’t allow for guest check-checkout.
I checked the version on my Brother printer, and it’s something like 1.4; the reported issues start around 1.6 or something. I’ve made sure it doesn’t have access to the internet and that auto-updates are also disabled; hopefully the printer will continue working on it’s own. I’ve also downloaded the drivers and software for every o/s the printer works with, so that I’ll hopefully have a non-nerfed version of the computer software for whenever I end up having to upgrade my computer.
The first vaccine from 57-67 wasn’t as effective and needs boosters. The second vaccine from 67-~78 was one shot and should’ve been 2. So there’s 20 years of people just finding out how they need boosters.
The headline means, “one day after the second US measles death in a decade, New Mexico reports 30 cases of the measles”.
He went through his last term with a whole bunch of ‘acting’ officials without them being approved by the Senate; he’s going to rely on that precedent here.
Elon isn’t a natural born American citizen. Hell, if they start revoking citizenship for people who lied, he’s first on the chopping block.
At least part of the historical removal of pubic hair is to avoid/get rid of pubic lice.
Wasn’t it in theaters last summer too?
She’s already gutted the Constitution. She helped evolve the argument that (and then voted that) he’s immune to anything he can claim as an “official act”, and now everything will be an “official act”. She helped him get back into office, now he can ignore the courts, including the Supreme Court - we already know no one is going to stop him. She had the chance to stop this and she failed.
They shouldn’t share anything with us. He did it last time, and he was already seen bringing boxes of stuff to MaL, where people are paying $5,000,000 to have private meetings with him. There are absolutely people asking for info he has access to, and he will absolutely give it to them.
Putin holds the US responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union, and wants to see the US collapse. How would you collapse the US? You’d divide the country against each other so neither side (red/blue, both politicians and civilians] trusted the other. You’d alienate all their allies. You’d make the people distrustful of experts, of science, of news media. You’d sow distrust of the government, then make the government unstable. You’d destabilize the financial market. It should take a lot of subtle effort at the start, but once there’s momentum it gets a lot easier.
If you look at things from the point of view that Trump is a Russian asset, it makes a lot more sense.
I’ve blocked like five of their accounts. I wish there was a setting that would block PMs/chats. Anyone who wants to talk to me can do it in public.
The Smithsonian tweeted the photo and credited it as coming from “Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture, gift of Joe Schwartz and family, ©Joe Schwartz”. I’m going to take their word for it.
The original is in the Smithsonian, so I doubt it.
When does she emancipate her slaves?