Despite all my rage I still cannot act my age.
Elon right now…
Anyone else reminded of this?
Lmao - best thing I’ve read all day:
“Within ten minutes he’d thrown up and fallen off the stool,” Jourgensen says, laughing. “And we’d got nothing. Eventually we propped him back up, and he just started singing complete gibberish. He was going: ‘Bing bing bing bang a bong bong bing bing binga binga…’ But it sounded really cool and just seemed to fit the track. Then he passed out. Basically, Gibby just showed up, threw up, spit up some gibberish and left. But he was exactly what was needed. We finally had a song.”
Evil always eats its own.
Thanks - fixed!
Must have come in while I was typing the edit, c’est la vie. Proof was provided, so I’ve reversed my downvotes and removed the link from the post text.
Dafuq? That doesn’t appear at all on Firefox on desktop, or maybe my adblocker got it. I stand corrected and rescind my downvotes.
That being said, classifying Act Blue as a scam is a bit of a reach, although I agree they’re annoying as shit.
250k have signed this particular petition to date - not “only 250k Americans want to kick Trump out”. The effort began less than two months ago - it’s a start.
What are you talking about? They don’t ask for money anywhere on the site - show me where they ask for money.
Edit: downvote instead of a response? Classy, Vlad.
Edit ++: proof was provided, I stand corrected.
That was you?
Well then, in answer to your last question scrawled in the Kansas City Walmart bathroom, yes, you should definitely get that checked out by a medical professional.
When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain. And he took the calf the people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it.
He said to Aaron, “What did these people do to you, that you led them into such great sin?”
Guns. The answer is guns, Lrrr.
Well, Digg back then was better than Reddit is now, so I guess that’s something.
This would mean that all of his companies that receive federal contacts would have them revoked unless he steps down as a government employee. Recent estimates put him receiving $8 million a day for these contracts. Tesla and SpaceX both rely heavily on government subsidies.
It wouldn’t be a death blow, but it’s no love tap.
Had difficulty finding a mainstream media site reporting on the bill at the time of posting. Make of that what you will, but I expect the operations of the American government to grow more opaque going forward - this seems to be a trend in the mainstream press.
Well shiiiiiiiit… we better call him and get on his ass to get it done, then, ey?
Here are the droids you’re looking for:
I agree with you. After reading’s comment, I went back and listened to the whole thing again, and yes, it could have meant the 2020 election if you’re speaking dementia and are trying to make excuses for Meemaw, but seconds before he clearly refers to why he is here as president NOW.
Secondly, this is the President of the fucking United States literally saying “They rigged the election and I became President.” The plain English interpretation is simply too stark to try and pretend its something that it isn’t.
He didn’t retract the statement. He didn’t clarify. And given with what we’ve seen happening directly in front of our faces, I think it’s absolutely clear that he’s admitting the election was rigged in his favor.