Did you want to have an exchange about the practical and theoretical merits of a piece of terminology or did you want to be right.
Did you want to have an exchange about the practical and theoretical merits of a piece of terminology or did you want to be right.
I literally said at the start that authority isn’t just any inqeuality, and you didn’t address it.
First of all that condition is as arbitrary as any other and you have no more authority to impose it than I do imposing mine. Secondly, I did address it: I limited the term authority specifically to social relations. Between people. Engels doesn’t.
I would like to see you justify this incrsdibly broad definition.
I already did:
If you find yourself having it and are keen on proper praxis then you take on the responsibility to lift the other up as you are capable to do. I think for that reason alone I think it’s important to recognise it as authority, so that we are careful when using it, which, in the end, is unavoidable.
In other words: It’s important to call bootmaker’s authority authority so that anarchists, bootmakers or apprentices or passers-by, are careful around that topic. Like a candle it’s not a thing that’s bad per se, but a thing which should not be left unattended. Eyes need to be on it.
Not really. They’ve been on the stabilising path for about two years now, removing stuff like dataframes from the default feature set to be able to focus on stabilising the whole core language, but 1.0 isn’t out yet and the minor version just went three digits.
And it’s good that way. The POSIX CLI is a clusterfuck because it got standardised before it got stabilised. dd
’s syntax is just the peak of the iceberg, there, you gotta take out the nail scissors and manicure the whole lawn before promising that things won’t change.
Even in its current state it’s probably less work for many scripts, though. That is, updating things, especially if you version-lock (hello, nixos) will be less of a headache than writing sh
could ever be. nushell is a really nice language, occasionally a bit verbose but never in the boilerplate for boilerplate’s sake way, but in the “In two weeks I’ll be glad it’s not perl” way. Things like command line parsing are ludicrously convenient (though please nushell people land collecting repeated arguments into lists).
Authority is a power imbalance in a social relationship. It does not, in itself, imply domination or monopoly or expertise it happens each time two people are not on eye level regarding something, cannot, for whatever reason, relate to each other as complete equals. If you find yourself having it and are keen on proper praxis then you take on the responsibility to lift the other up as you are capable to do. I think for that reason alone I think it’s important to recognise it as authority, so that we are careful when using it, which, in the end, is unavoidable.
We don’t need to be dominated in order to clean up our garbage. And the state is often really bad at collecting garbage, so just teach people that.
Garbage collection is a non-issue over here, it just works. Couple of neighbouring municipalities own the company and it’s run on an at-cost basis with decent wages. If, suddenly, an anarchist revolution were to happen I’m quite sure the general arrangement would carry over.
…and I took that as an example precisely because (over here) it just works, it’s a baby you wouldn’t want to throw out with the bathwater. I’m reasonably sure that wherever you’re living, you can think of such an example.
Knowledge is power, thus with a knowledge gap we have a power gap. As a bootmaker’s apprentice, my capacity to judge whether or not I’m getting taught proper technique is limited, I can alleviate that disparity by consulting more than one bootmaker, but ultimately that gap won’t vanish until I, myself, have mastered the craft.
Authority is the socially-recognised power to dominate.
…unnatural authority. Natural authority aka the bootmaker’s does not require social recognition. The bootmaker knows more than the apprentice no matter what society thinks, the imbalance is not socially caused.
If you don’t want to call it authority, fine, but saying “as bad as Engels” is going too far IMO. While bootmaker’s authority does not rely on (wider) social recognition it is still a thing that happens in a social relationship, and not in the relationship of a worker to their alarm clock or whatnot. Though arguably in the modern world that line is also blurring, see technological paternalism, OTOH it’s just a reification of the relationship between the producer and consumer of a technology. It’s an unavoidable (unless you’re a primitivist) side-effect of increased division of labour in a technologically advancing society.
Heck I’m myself on the page of “the state is a people, a territory, and organisation”, simply because the classical anarchist definition drifted miles and miles from the dictionary and the lived experience of people in liberal democracies, when you say “abolish the state” they hear “abolish garbage collection”. We can re-do terminology once in a while, it’s a good idea.
Parents have natural bootmaker authority and if you want to be a good parent then you realise that the kids also have it: They, or maybe better put their genome, know how they need to be raised, and try to teach you, as well as (with increasing age) seek out the exact bootmakers that seem sensible. Worst thing you can do as a parent is to think that learning is a one-way street.
War extra schon vorsichtig und hab “plausibel” genommen und nicht “bewiesen”. So wirklich getroffen hab ich’s damit aber auch nicht.
Für mich macht es einen Unterschied ob Homeopathiker was von Wassergedächtnis reden und absolut irrwitzige Heilsversprechen machen, klar widerlegtes und ethisch unvertretbares Zeug, oder demeter-Bauern Mist in Kuhhörnern reifen um den verdünnt auf Felder aufzubringen: Bei letzteren gibt es einen möglichen Wirkungspfad (Mikrobiologie) und, selbst wenn’s nichts bringt, der Kunde im Biomarkt wird nicht verarscht der kann sehen wie gut die Gurke aussieht. Von mir aus kann der Bauer auch rituelle Tänze aufführen das tut der Gurke nicht weh. Andere Bauern gehen in die Kirche und beten um eine gute Ernte, reg’ ich mich auch nicht drüber auf.
Bei der ganzen Kritik muss man auch aufpassen nicht an Pseudoskeptiker zu gelangen. Hab’ da z.B. mal was über Waldorf und Farbenlehre gelesen, von wegen Goethe wäre ja wissenschaftlich widerlegt, Newton hatte Recht, wie können die Waldörfler Goethe lehren. Physikalisch, ja, Newton hatte Recht, was Wahrnehmung angeht aber Goethe. Deshalb hab’ ich im Kunstunterricht auch Goethe gelernt und zwar nicht auf einer Waldorfschule: Farbkreis, Komplementärfarben, das ist alles Goethe und nur insofern physikalisch als dass unsere Augen und Gehirn physikalisch sind.
Das ganze magische Denken ablehnen ist das eine, die GLS davon zu überzeugen Steiner komplett aus der Satzung zu streichen das andere, die ganzen Dinge die man an der GLS mag gehen halt auch auf ihn zurück. Was gute Chancen haben sollte ist eine “nach dem Stand der Wissenschaft plausibel” Klausel was Investitionen angeht.
It’s not a thought exercise but a modelling discipline.
It’s systems thinking and if you think it’s terrible then because it’s terribly good at getting rid of excuses. “Oh but you see the intent of the prison system is to reduce crime, never mind it doing the opposite, move along, nothing to see because intent is all that matters”.
But nobody is purposefully “wedging a stick” between allies and enemies.
The purpose of a system is what it does.
The creator favoured speedy feedback on everything. And it’s not like you can’t make things look gorgeous in EEVEE, why go for fidelity when you can make things look nice.